
Who can see posts on my timeline Facebook?

We used to have a setting that controlled who can look up your timeline using your name. We removed that setting because your timeline could be discovered in other ways in connection with your name. For example, if you selected Friends or Friends of Friends for this setting, it only prevented your timeline from showing up in search results. It didn't prevent a link to your timeline from showing up in search connected to other posts, like posts you're tagged in. It also didn't prevent your timeline from being discovered through other search terms like employment, college, location, etc. Additionally, anyone who knew your unique timeline address (with either your User ID or username), could find your timeline.

Many people used this control to prevent unwanted friend requests or messages. To control who can send you a friend request or a Facebook message:
  1. Click the account menu at the top right of any Facebook page and choose Privacy Settings
  2. Next to the How You Connect heading, click Edit Settings
  3. Select your preference from the dropdown menu next to Who can send you friend requests? or Who can send you Facebook messages?
Was this answer helpful?
  • The visibility of posts you make on your own timeline depends on the audience you choose for each post using the audience selector. For example, a friend will see posts you've set to Friends and Public, while a non-friend will only see posts you've set to Public.
  • The visibility of posts others make on your timeline depends on the setting you've chosen for who can see posts by others.

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